Showing posts with label vegan recipe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vegan recipe. Show all posts

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Simple Vegan Tofu Stirfry

Vegan StirFry

1 block tofu
1 bag snap peas or green beans
1 can water chestnuts
3/4 cup shredded carrots
1 small onion
sesame seeds
1/4 -1/2 cup  Soyaki from Trader Joes
2 tbsp oil

1. steam snap peas and carrots 5 mins
2.  stir fry garlic and onion in 2tbsp oil
3.  cube tofu, pan sear 5 min each side or until golden

4. drain snap peas and carrots, add into onion garlic
5.  add water chestnuts and tofu and sesame seeds
6. add soyaki, let simmer 3 mins
7.  enjoy!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Vegan Pizzalicious

excited for the break from eating rice and beans, we opted to make pizza while visiting family! 

yummy vegan pizza 1. boil carrots + zucchini 3 to  5 mins
2. Stirfry onion, garlic, peppers with 2 tsbp oil on med high
3. Stretch pizza dough out on 2  nonstick cookie sheets
4. Set oven to 450 – put dough in – set timer to 10min
5. Strain carrots + zuccini, add to frying pan.
6. Cutup tofurky sausages, add to frying pan.
7.Pour  ¼ cup of pasta sauce,  1 tsp  
 mrs. Dash, and 3 tbsp nutritional yeast.
  Add sliced olives if desired
8. Pull out dough from oven, spread sauce, put back in and cook 10-15 min until  bottom is light tan
 9. Spoon stirfry over pizza crusts, cook 10-15 min or until bottom is golden brown.   Let cool 5 min + Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Taco Salad vegan style!

 quick and easy meal we love to make when visiting family! 

1. soak 1 cup tvp (textured vegetable protein)  in warm water for 5 min.
2. fry 1/2 onion and 2 cloves garlic in 1 tbsp oil until golden
3.  strain tvp, add to frying pan
4. season with 1tbsp soy sauce, 2tbsp taco mix + 3 tbsp salsa
5.  serve over lettuce,with tomato, green onion, and flax seed chips

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Grilled Veggies

Amazing Grilled Veggies
1 sweet potato
1 onion
4 roma tomatos or 1 box plum tomatos
2 zuccini
2 yellow squash
1 eggplant medium size

balsamic vinegar
4 tbsp olive oil
salt + pepper
chili flakes (if you like spice)

1.  chop up all veggies
2.  preheat oven to 350  or turn on grill
3.  put in a metal or aluminum container
4. drizzle oil over top
5.  mix well
6.  put in oven  or on grill   for 1 hr,  stirring in salt, pepper, and balsamic after 30 minutes.
7.  take out of oven / grill and let cool 10 minutes.   Enjoy!  

tip: if you want to add protein, just put in a cup of rinsed white beans or chickpeas at the 30 minute mark too! 

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Vegan Pot Pie

 Vegan Pot Pie

1 block tofu
1/2 cup nutritional yeast (savory yeast, not dough yeast)
1/4 cup soymilk
4 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion
2 cloves garlic
1.5 cups broccoli
2 medium zuccinis
1tsp salt + pepper to taste

1.  steam broccoli 10 min, add zuccini for 5 min
2. chop onion + garlic,  add to large frying pan with 2 tbsp oil on medium high until golden
3. cut tofu into chunks, add to large frying pan with 2tbsp oil until golden brown
4.  strain broccoli and zuccini, add to onions and garlic
5.  pour soymilk and nutritional yeast over tofu, cook down 1 minute
6.  mix all ingredients together, add salt + pepper
7.  take the shell out of the pie pan, add veggie tofu mixture, put shell back on top
8.  broil on middle shelf for 3-4 mins (until pie shell is golden brown)
9.  let cool 5 mins, enjoy!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Amazing Brussel Sprouts

Amazing Roasted Brussel Sprouts:
4 cups fresh brussel sprouts or 1 bag frozen
3 tbsp olive oil

for fresh brussels:
1. cut in half, cook in boiling water 5 mins
2.  pour oil in fry pan and mix in brussels
3.  cook for 5 mins before stirring
4.  stir and let cook 5 mins
5. season with salt and pepper
6. enjoy!
for frozen brussels:
1. microwave according to package
2. rinse with cold water in strainer
3. cut in half
4. pour oil in fry pan and mix in brussels
5.  cook for 5 mins before stirring
6.  stir and let cook 5 mins
7. season with salt and pepper
8.  enjoy!

Brussel sprout benefits:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Delight-Full Oatmeal.

Delight-Full Oatmeal.

1/2 cup oats
brown sugar  or maple syrup or agave nector
a few walnuts or almond slices
1 banana

1. boil 1/2 cup oats in 1 cup water with everything but banana.
2.  remove from heat, let cool slighty,  add banana, enjoy!

We eat oatmeal for breakfast pretty much everyday.  It's easy and quick so you can have something to sustain you through marathon morning sessions.  when our non-breakfasted friends have to go in after an hour to eat,  we are scoring all sorts of fun waves thanks to oats.  (it doesn't hurt that we eat an insanely filling and delicious menu of Vegan foods all day long either…) Anyway, it's a great start to every morning.  If you want to be even more energy savvy,  mix in a scoop of vegan protein powder.  (like when you are surfing a point break and will be running back to the point after each wave for hours at a time) 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Vegan on the Road

When people find out we are vegan, and find out we spend most of our time in Central America they always seem to blurt "But how?!"
Believe it or not, being vegan on the road is actually quite easy. 
              Below is a general list of our weekly shopping and meals we eat.  Sometimes we have to skimp on luxuries (like avocados)  to save a little money, and other times we get to splurge and buy passion fruits (that can cost $1 each)  but hopefully this can give you a guide as to what you can live on financially as well as how to eat vegan on the road if you so desire.   
           For the protein, we travel with a 2 quart crockpot which allows us to have black beans, garbanzo/ chickpeas, or lentils cooking while we surf in the morning and ready to eat by lunch.  You can buy beans in a can, but it is much cheaper and more nutritious to cook them yourself.  A 2 qt crockpot is about $10 in the states and maybe $20 down here and you'll easily get your monies worth in the first week of using it! They don't take that much energy either, so even if you pay electric out of your rent down here it won't be a big deal. 
    If you plan to eat out -  all restaurants will make you a GalloPinto (rice and beans)  with veggies, tortillas, and avocado  or pasta  with veggies. You can get yummy veggie pizza too (we just ask them to leave off the cheese) Many places sell smoothies, so fresh cold fruit is a breeze too.
       We often travel with multivitamins, energy bars, and protein powder  to ensure optimum nutrition.    (not included below, but about $5 extra per week)
             On being vegan athletes -  people often ask how we are getting enough protein and nutrients without meat.  I have been vegetarian since I was five, and we have both been vegan for the past seven years.  I've always lead an active life involving sports and haven't ever suffered fatigue as a result of being vegan.  In fact, I'd say that since I cut out dairy I've had much more energy. If you decide to try eating vegan I strongly recommend doing a little research and making a few healthy meal plans to get started so can be sure you're eating right.  If you need help with this please shoot me an email I would love to help you create a meal plan that works for your lifestyle  alive (at)   

               Our typical day includes at least 60-80 minutes of hiking the beach with a 20lb backpack, 3 - 6 hours of intense surfing, and sometimes a 30 minute yoga / pilates session.   The food we eat is delicious and satisfying  and you might be surprised on how good you feel eating it!
                 If you click the 'food' tag on the right you can find more vegan recipes and ideas too!  

Why are we vegan?  Click here to find out.