Showing posts with label zen sol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zen sol. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Learning from Nature - Fence Post Trees

                In Central America there is a special tree that is used for fencing pasture lands  - you can cut off a limb and stick it in the ground and it will grow into a new tree.  Or you can lop it off in the middle and the tree will just sprout new limbs and branches as if nothing ever happened.  It keeps growing.  It is unfazed by the axe wielder.   It may not grow as tall or strong as some of the trees in the rain forest,  but it is incredibly resilient.  These fence post trees are a huge inspiration and reminder to keep moving forward regardless of circumstances. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Plant A Seed.


            Plant a seed.  Plant Gratitude. Plant Happiness.  Plant something useful for the future.
                                              Nurture it and you will reap what you sow.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Finding Bliss in Chaos

Competitive surfing has radically shifted my approach to meditation and calming the mind.  It is fairly easy to sit on a mat, clear the mind and  focus on breathing. To be fully present.  But when you arrive at a surf contest, it is craziness.  Aside from the aggressive competitors,  there is often a huge bustling audience,  music blaring on  loud speakers, an announcer reeling off scores and manuevers being done, and judges picking apart your every action.  Focus become difficult, performance becomes difficult. 
   But I realized that is the greatest part about competitive surfing,  it challenges the balance. Of course it is going to be easy to quiet the mind in an empty lineup,  to live in joy on a secluded island.  But that is not reality for most of us. 
    We live in world of crazy,  and it is more important to find the joy amidst it so that even in the worst moment of your life,  you can retreat into your own serenity.   Practice is key.   When confronted an unappealing situation,  make sure the first thing you do is refocus on your breathing, on how your body feels, on the colors surrounding you.  Refocus on the basic elements.  Appreciate them.  Appreciate the craziness.  Think about the infinite galaxy of stars and our fleeting place among it.    When you return to confront the moment,  perhaps you can do so in mindful mellowness.
    The crazy isn't going anywhere, so we need to learn to embrace it and perhaps even laugh a little. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Moonlighting as a Surfer

shimmer, cascade
fall forth into perfection.
we lost the sun
but could never
lose our truth

illuminating the night
awakening our souls
reminding us
to reflect the Light
when there is none.

         I remember the first time I ever surfed by moonlight.  The way it dappled the water and backlit the waves so they would glimmer as they broke.  All other senses are so heightened there is no time for your mind to break away into a thought pattern, and you are left with a zen like tranquility.  
thank you moon.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


In life, it is better to have a short memory.  At some point we will be wronged, usually not because the other person intends to hurt us,  but because they are trying to protect themselves.  Confront the situation, and then Let It Go.  
                                    The sooner you release the anger, the sooner you can heal.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

When nothing goes right, Go Left!

Sometimes it may seem like life is fighting you.  You are working yourself to the bone,  trying to reach a goal, but obstacles keep blocking the way.  You keep pushing past them, but eventually get fed up and frustrated.
     This is actually a great time to give up.   Not for good,  but redirect for a little while,  get some fresh air, do something else. 
    In surfing, when I am working on a maneuver  I want to try it over and over and over again until I get it.  And even then, I want to do it again and again.  But I've found that after a few good falls,  if I go the opposite direction,  it can help me understand what I'm trying to do and even offer me insight on how to achieve it.    So, when nothing is going right,  go left!  And you may find that when you get to go right again, it turns out better than you imagined.